Saturday, August 19, 2017

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BLOGUPY is an online movement dedicated to inspire users of the World Wide Web to give back a percentage of online generated income to those doing the same for crowdfunding thrive realities everywhere.

 Circulate the wealth!
The BLOGUPY Movement's primary goal is to assist one another as part of the masses to achieve regional self sufficiency! Our ability to do this is through investing in one another weekly, giving a percentage of income generated primarily online. The ability to give and receive online as well incentive to blog as part of this movement is the foundation of what BLOGUPY is about.

 "Be the change you wish to see in the world"  

"Together We Thrive"

     By working together online in this way, with weekly intents to give back a percentage leveraged digitally, many can prosper using the World Wide Web, this inspires more to be involved, and the more involved the more are able THRIVE!

     The Post portion of your BlogupyBlog posts are to be dedicated to News, Updates, Personal Thrive Projects and the long term feedback / purpose for using the funds raised. What you choose to raise funds for is up to you as an individual, dedicating funds to thrive is a smart reason to raise funds, emphasis thrive and express this for giving purpose to your fundraiser.

      BLOGUPY is an idea formed with the long view in mind. With the realization that through our combined investment in one another as individuals, as bloggers and as networker's, our ability to advance to thrive based lifestyles, by us for us is possible now, unlike the times before the net. We can better our communities, environments and world ecology one person at a time in this way.
     Teach / Learn methods for urban homesteading, gardening, backup energy devices, and much more... this is a solution to many issues in our current world and accepted lifestyles developed prior to the net.