A Blogger's Lifestyle In the Age of Technology
Getting integrated online for the purpose of self advancement.
(STEP 1)
Technology Is Changing Humanity.
The world is changing and the value of your time, money and future security is changing with it.
Controlling your time = Freedom - Control of Finances - Sustainability - Less can be More.
Recognize yourself as part of humanity and not separate from it.
Secure your financial position outside of the job you work. (Online Income)
Build an online skill set that can adapt to change and opportunity.
The internet will always be changing, yet it will be there for you.
When you know how to use it, you can be in control of change, security and career / lifestyle planning.
(Step 2)
Know How To Use It.
Become a Blogger That Inspires Others To Blog As Well.
(Step 3)
As You Have Time
This isn't something that takes a huge block of time.
Build it as you have time.
Be creative in your actions, writings, and shares, while commenting on others' blog creations. Share promotions, while advertising content of your choosing.
Be an Internet SuperHero! Find and assist others online, offering any kind of help you choose through donations as you make money online. Build the future you want to see.
(Keep 90% of online earnings, Donate 10% to others in need.)
(Step 4)
You, as you are.
You don't have to turn yourself into a killer shark internet marketer or make yourself into what someone else tells you to be.
You need to share your individuality. You are stronger doing your own thing in a community of those who value doing their own thing.
Be involved with others while promoting links to affiliate and home business opportunities. Set Your Blog Up To Be Able To Receive Donations (Online Fundraising Platforms) while also being able to invest in others who are set up to do the same. This is BLOGUPY at heart!
How can anyone donate to you if you have no place for them to donate? Be in a position to be helped and to help.
(Step 5)
Share your life.
Art (Life is Art), Share music, digital creations, paintings, nurture a garden, become one with nature, go hiking, camp, swim, play video games online with others and more.
We are Co-Creators here, there are many working to better our world, with blogging you too can be involved. With financial freedom, feel free to follow your dreams inspiring others to follow their own.
(Step 6)
The world is not ours; it is a loan from our children. We need sustainability. We can no longer do damage and hope the environment will adapt to it. There are many fine minds out there that are working for a better future but they need support, especially financially. Don't just think it, live it; spend a percentage of your online earnings each week to make the future what you want it to be.
10% weekly is a good minimum to consider investing in others as part of this movement.
10% weekly is a good minimum to consider investing in others as part of this movement.