The 10% Give Back Campaign

Give Back Campaign 

(Rule of the 10% / 90%) 

Who will build the future you want if you won't?

   The internet marketing movement is about leveraging income with others but it is also about building the world as we want it to become. This Give Back campaign is an incentive for  people to put money back into their economy and community/ networks to support the kind projects, people and successes they believe in.

     The idea is that 10% of profits raised through online means be given back to others once a week. Every Saturday is a good day to do this. 90% is to be kept to oneself or to be portioned freely at the discrection of the investor in private! You can buy, invest, loan, contribute,  or donate. There are plenty of excellent places to find worthy projects.  That is the power of the internet.

    Don't just give, don't be afraid to ask. Asking matters too. If you have a personal or project need that is worth it, people need to know and let them decide. This tells us what we need in the real world and not filtered by experts. You are not just taking, you are also giving back reality.

     There are plenty of places to be able to find good projects or good needs or to post them.

Choose a Fundraising Platforms for Individuals (Click Here)

Do not be afraid to put a fundraising widget or Paypal donate button on your Blog or Website, because you aren't just sharing a need, you're sharing values, and values is what internet power is really about.